7 Tip for Alkaline Eating

By Flow Admin

7 Tip for Alkaline Eating

 This post originally appear on MindBodyGreen.com

Have you ever been in a swimming pool where the levels of chlorine were out of whack? It stings your eyes and makes them all itchy and red. That's because the pH levels were not neutral. A similar thing is actually going on inside our bodies if you our pH levels are also unbalanced. When our body is more acidic than alkaline on the pH scale, we suffer health problems.

Why? Well, acidic blood is toxic to your cells, which can’t do their job of fighting bacteria if they are damaged. Also, damaged cells carry less life-giving oxygen around the body. And less oxygen means less energy, which can lead to more health issues. It’s all pretty depressing, isn’t it? Luckily we can fix this unbalanced and dangerous situation in a quick, easy, and remarkably cheap way.

First, you need to reduce the things in your life that are making you acidic. Probably the number one non-food way the body becomes acidic is emotional stress. If your life is go-go-go, then it’s vital that you put mindfulness, meditation, and gentle exercise on your daily agenda. That feeling of calm you get after having a long hot bath or writing in your journal is helping both your mind AND your body.

Second, a few quick changes to your diet will help you to fight inflamed cells by becoming alkaline. Here are my seven secrets to transition to alkaline eating:

1. Start drinking lemon water.

Once in the body lemon becomes alkaline. So drop a lemon slice into your water for a wonderful pick-me-up drink that’ll keep you hydrated and help detoxify your liver. Try and choose filtered water and if possible invest in an alkalizing water filtration system.

2. Get to know the acid/alkaline chart.

Print out the chart I’ve included and stick it on your fridge for easy reference. Start by focusing on eating the foods on the “alkaline” list. Here’s a mini-challenge: Try adding one new alkaline food to either breakfast, lunch, or dinner each day for two weeks.

3. De-clutter your kitchen.

This is one secret I teach to all of my A-list celebrity clients and I want to teach you, too! Begin with your shopping lists and clean out your fridge and pantry of all processed junk foods, foods that are sabotaging your weight loss. Remember, out of sight, out of mind!

4. Invest in a blender.

Having the right equipment to quickly whip up a high-nutrition smoothie makes everything so much easier. Keep it on the counter ready to go, not hiding in the cabinet!

5. Fine one alkaline smoothie recipe that you like.

It sometimes takes a few tries before you find the perfect smoothie combination. Here is one of my favorite alkaline smoothie recipes, which tastes great and alkalizes you fast:

Emily’s Energizer: ½ stick celery, handful of spinach leaves, handful of kale leaves, a handful of fresh pineapple chunks (or mango), ½ frozen banana, 3 or 4 sprigs of parsley, a sprinkle of chia seeds, a squeeze of lemon, a scoop of certified organic pea protein powder, 1 cup of coconut water, and ice.

6. Focus on eating something green at every meal.

A really simple rule of thumb is to make sure every meal (yes, including breakfast!) has something green on the plate: smoothies with some leaves and vegetables for breakfast, quinoa and steamed veggie salads for lunch, veggie and lentil soups for dinner, or fresh fish or organic chicken with salad or vegetables. Oh, and don’t forget the snack either. Try slicing up a carrot, a Lebanese cucumber, and a few sticks of celery so you can snack on yummy hummus guilt-free.

7. Plan your meals on Sunday.

Every Sunday I focus on early preparation for the upcoming week. Not only does it mean I avoid temptation foods and self-sabotage, but I feel more calm knowing that my meals for the week are sorted. Organizing your meals for the week is the most important thing you can do to take control of your body, health, and weight. I always spend Sundays at the farmers market and spend a couple of hours in the kitchen, then I’m set for the week.

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