Drink me

By Flow Admin

Drink me


There’s a long list of beauty secrets worth adapting, but there’s no doubt that Instagram’s arsenal of beauty bloggers and lifestyle gurus may leave you feeling like you just can’t keep up. Fortunately, one of the best regimens happens to be the simplest to add to your routine:  healthy, daily hydration. Dehydration can wreak serious havoc on your skin, from wrinkles to breakouts, along with fatigue and poor brain function.

We know, sometimes simply drinking more water each day isn’t as easy as it sounds. Here are 4 ways to up your hydration game today for a more beautiful, healthy summer:

Try a hydration app

There are plenty of water apps that can make drinking more water less of a chore. Try Plant Nanny, it tracks the number of glasses you drink each day to help a cute little plant grow. If you aren’t a fan of apps try calendar alerts or a series of well-timed phone alarms.

Hide bottles everywhere

This is not rocket-science, but if you keep water bottles everywhere—in your handbag, gym bag, living room, bedside etc etc—they act as an inescapable reminder to drink up. Lining up 3 1L packs of Flow on our desks each morning and consuming them throughout the day is a particular favorite at the Flow offices.

Eat more water

You read that right. Try packing your lunch with snacks containing a higher water content. Obvious choices in the summer are watermelon, strawberries, sliced cucumber and celery. These are the perfect pick-me-ups for your workday.

Flow’s new flavors

Flow’s organic flavored water was designed to be deliciously drinkable while still maintaining the quality of it’s water and the minerals that make it alkaline. Beauty junkies are hooked on how good it makes them look and feel, and how easy it is to get their daily water intake with yummy flavors like cucumber + mint, lemon + ginger, strawberry + rose and watermelon + lime. No sweeteners or calories. Click to shop our flavors and stock your workspace with healthy hydration.

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